The Advent of Patient-Centric Technologies to Combat The High Dropout Rates: Revolutionizing Clinical Trials

Harsha K. Rajasimha, PhDsymbol(Genetics Bioinformatics and Computational Biology)

Founder and CEO, Jeeva Clinical Trials, Manassas, Virginia, USA

Keywords: clinical trials, decentralized clinical trials, dropouts, dropout rates, patient-centric approach


Citation: Telehealth and Medicine Today © 2024, 9: 474.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30953/thmt.v9.474

Copyright: © 2024 The Authors. This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, adapt, enhance this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0.

Received: January 25, 2024; Accepted: April 24, 2024; Published: April 30, 2024

Data Availability Statement: No original data were used in the preparation of this article.

Funding Statement: None.

Financial and non-Financial Relationships and Activities: Dr. Rajasimha is the Founder and CEO of Jeeva Clinical Trials.

Corresponding author: Harsha K. Rajasimha, Email: info@jeevatrials.com


Clinical trials, the bedrock of medical research, are facing a pervasive challenge that threatens the very foundation of therapeutic development: high dropout rates among participants. As of the latest available data, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the dropout rates in clinical trials are staggering. Some studies report attrition rates as high as 30% or more.1 These alarming figures not only hinder the progress of drug development but also compromise the reliability and validity of study outcomes, necessitating a transformative modern approach to patient engagement.

Understanding the Dropout Dilemma

The statistical reality of high dropout rates in clinical trials paints a vivid picture of the challenges faced by researchers. Despite the meticulous planning and scientific rigor that characterize these studies, a substantial portion of participants discontinue their involvement, introducing biases and uncertainties into the data.

Financial strain emerges as a significant contributor to the dropout dilemma.2 The costs associated with participation, including travel expenses, accommodation, and potential lost wages, create formidable barriers for individuals considering involvement in clinical trials. These financial burdens disproportionately affect certain demographics, exacerbating existing disparities in healthcare research. The intersection of economic factors and health research participation underscores the need for innovative solutions to ensure equitable access to clinical trials.

Time constraints further compound the challenges. Potential participants often grapple with the demands of work, family responsibilities, and other commitments. The traditional brick-and-mortar model of frequent in-person visits places a considerable burden on participants, making it challenging for them to sustain their engagement throughout the the trial.3 The dropout rates reflect the tension between the rigorous demands of clinical research protocols and the realities of participants’ daily lives.

To add, the burden posed by the traditional clinical trial protocols on patients and families can contribute significantly to participant attrition. The complex and often rigid structures of these protocols may not align with the practicalities of participants’ lives leading to disengagement.

It becomes imperative, then, to re-evaluate how clinical research is conducted and approached, with a focus on enhancing the participant experience to ensure the retention of diverse and representative study populations.

Sponsors can lose between $600,000 and $8 million per day due to delayed product development and launch. According to IQVIA, sponsors can lose between $800 million and $1.4 billion due to failed trials.

Plain Language Summary

High dropout rates in clinical trials pose significant challenges to therapeutic development, with some studies reporting attrition rates exceeding 30%. Financial strain, time constraints, and burdensome protocols contribute to participant disengagement. Leveraging patient-centric technologies, such as artificial intelligence and decentralized trial methodologies, offers promising solutions. These innovations enhance accessibility, mitigate financial barriers, and streamline participant recruitment, fostering a more inclusive and efficient clinical trial landscape. By prioritizing participant engagement and embracing modern approaches, such as digital health technologies, clinical trials can be revolutionized, accelerating medical research and improving global access to innovative therapies.

The Paradigm Shift Toward Patient-Centric Clinical Trials

Addressing the dropout dilemma necessitates a paradigm shift toward patient-centric methodologies. By acknowledging and actively mitigating the challenges posed by financial strain, time constraints, and burdensome protocols, researchers can enhance participant retention and, consequently, the reliability of study outcomes. This shift emphasizes the importance of creating an environment where clinical trials are not only scientifically rigorous but also accessible, accommodating, and considerate of the diverse circumstances of potential participants.

Delving into the transformative potential of patient-centric technologies, particularly those leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), combat the high dropout rates in clinical trials.4 These innovations aim to enhance remote accessibility, mitigate financial barriers, streamline patient recruitment, and improve overall data capture. By embracing technology as a tool for inclusivity and efficiency, researchers can pave the way for a more accessible, diverse, and participant-friendly landscape in clinical research.

High Dropout Rates: The Impact on Therapeutic Development

The implications of high dropout rates in clinical trials extend far beyond the immediate logistical challenges of trial management. These dropouts have profound consequences that ripple through the entire research process, impacting the scientific validity, financial feasibility, and overall success of therapeutic development efforts.

First and foremost, high dropout rates compromise the statistical power of studies. When a substantial number of participants discontinue their involvement, the representativeness of the study population diminishes. This reduction in sample size can lead to statistical analyses that lack the precision needed to draw reliable conclusions. The consequence is an increased risk of obtaining inconclusive or biased results, eroding the scientific integrity of the entire study.

Furthermore, the loss of participants can trigger a cascade of setbacks, including delayed trial timelines. As researchers grapple with participant attrition, they often face the challenge of recruiting additional participants to meet study objectives. The time and resources required for this recruitment process can extend trial durations significantly, delaying the acquisition of critical data and impeding progress in therapeutic development.

The financial repercussions of high dropout rates are also substantial. Increased costs are incurred not only in the efforts to recruit replacement participants but also in addressing the underlying causes of dropout, such as enhancing patient engagement and implementing novel retention strategies. These financial burdens, coupled with extended timelines, create a challenging economic landscape for research endeavors, potentially diverting resources from other crucial areas of scientific inquiry.

The urgency of addressing this dropout dilemma has never been more apparent, necessitating a strategic shift toward patient-centric methodologies. Recognizing the interconnectedness of participant engagement, trial outcomes, and therapeutic development success is crucial for shaping a future where clinical trials are not only scientifically robust but also efficient, cost-effective, and accessible to a diverse range of participants.

The Role of Patient-Centric Technologies

Patient-centric technologies, including software platforms and applications, can offer numerous solutions to enhance remote accessibility and engagement, making clinical trials more patient friendly.5 These include enhancing remote accessibility through digital platforms.

Patient-centric digital platforms play a pivotal role in reducing dropout rates by minimizing the need for frequent in-person visits. These platforms facilitate remote interactions, enabling participants to engage with the trial from the comfort of their homes. Features such as telemedicine consultations, virtual visits, and electronic data capture streamline the trial process, making it more convenient for participants. This helps address the health disparities by reaching individuals who may have limited access to traditional clinical trial sites. Virtual trials and telemedicine enable participation from geographically diverse and underserved communities, contributing to a more equitable distribution of the benefits of therapeutic development.

Financial barriers can be mitigated through the integration of technology. Virtual trial platforms can reduce travel and accommodation costs by enabling participants to complete study activities remotely. Additionally, decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) leverage local healthcare providers and pharmacies, further minimizing financial burdens on participants.

Artificial Intelligence in the Clinical Trials

The integration of AI into clinical trial processes represents a transformative leap forward in patient screening and recruitment. AI algorithms exhibit a remarkable capacity to analyze vast and diverse datasets with speed and precision, surpassing the capabilities of traditional manual screening methods. This efficiency is particularly invaluable in the identification of eligible participants for clinical trials, where timely recruitment is often a critical factor in the success of the study.

The key advantage of AI-driven screening is its ability to identify potential participants based on a comprehensive analysis of various parameters. These algorithms can process not only demographic information but also genetic, clinical, and lifestyle data to identify individuals who meet the specific criteria of a given trial. This multifaceted approach enhances the accuracy of participant selection, ensuring that the recruited cohort is not only larger but also more representative of the broader population.

Moreover, the automation of patient screening and recruitment through AI contributes to the overall efficiency of the trial initiation process. Traditional methods, often reliant on manual review and selection, can be time consuming and resource intensive. In contrast, AI expedites these processes, enabling researchers to swiftly identify and engage potential participants.

As a result, AI not only broadens the reach of clinical trials but also enhances their agility, facilitating the timely execution of studies and contributing to the expeditious advancement of therapeutic development.

The Ultimate Goal: Patient-Centric Approach Towards the Clinical Trial

According to a report by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), approximately 30% of clinical trials fail to recruit a single participant, and about 85% of trials face delays due to recruitment issues. This leads to significant financial losses, with incomplete or delayed trials costing pharmaceutical companies millions of dollars annually. For example, a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research estimated that each day of delay in launching a clinical trial could cost sponsors up to $600,000 in potential revenue.

Additionally, the lack of diverse participation in clinical trials hampers the generalizability of study findings and may result in suboptimal treatment outcomes for certain demographic groups. Therefore, adopting innovative approaches to enhance clinical trial participation, such as digital health technologies and decentralized trial methodologies, is critical to addressing these challenges and advancing medical research.

While all of these are possible with technology, the primary goal of patient-centric technologies is to make clinical trials universally accessible, particularly for underrepresented populations. By reducing the logistical and financial barriers, these technologies have the potential to increase diversity and inclusivity in clinical trial participation, ensuring that study results are more representative of the broader population.


Addressing high dropout rates in clinical trials requires prioritizing participant engagement. With rates often exceeding 30%, the urgency for change is clear. Explored through patient-centric technologies, especially AI, this article highlights transformative modern clinical trial approaches that include DCTs.

Trials can be revolutionized by enhancing accessibility, addressing financial barriers, and leveraging AI for screening and recruitment. These steps to streamline management fosters an inclusive, diverse, and efficient landscape. Embracing patient-centric methodologies and technology accelerates medical research, improving global access and better patient outcomes.


Dr. Rajasimha spearheaded the research efforts, composed the article, and meticulously reviewed its content to ensure accuracy and quality.

Application of Ai-Generated Text or Related Technology

AI was not directly used in the creation of this article. The content was generated by the author based on their knowledge and expertise.


The author acknowledges the contributions of healthcare professionals, researchers, and organizations involved in advancing decentralized clinical trials and improving patient access to clinical research opportunities. The author would further like to thank all their colleagues at Jeeva Clinical Trials who contributed to the development of the unified clinical trial management platform.


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Copyright Ownership: This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, adapt, enhance this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0.