Aims and Scope

  • Editorial Mission
  • Audience
  • Open Access Statement
  • Submission Categories and Article Topics
  • Publishing Frequency and Article Statistics
  • Governing Body
  • APC Fees and Publishing Model
  • Payment Methods
  • Refund Policy 
  • What the APC Covers
  • Waiver Policy
  • Archiving and Scholarly Practices
  • Indexing
  • Memberships and Affiliations
  • Revenue Sources
  • Conference Proceedings Oversight
  • Copyright and License Notice
  • Diversity Commitment
  • Journal History
  • Publisher
  • Management and Ownership


Editorial Mission

Telehealth and Medicine Today, ISSN 2471-6960

Telehealth and Medicine Today (THMT) open access international peer reviewed journal explores the latest research, innovations, and applications in telemedicine, telehealth, and digital health disciplines. The publication aims to advance healthcare by fostering discussions on emerging technology and trends, policy, regulation, and real world implementations that improve care quality, outcomes, global access to care, and lower the cost of healthcare. The journal addresses  interdisciplinary collaboration across clinical, engineering, and operational aspects, and seeks to inform and engage healthcare providers, academia, policymakers, industry stakeholders, consumers, and technology innovators - bridging research excellence with real world implementations in the field.


The Telehealth and Medicine Today provides a platform that bridges excellence from research laboratory to real world market transformation and impact. Viewership includes leaders from universities, hospitals, medical research centers, payors, researchers, medical directors, IT/IS, healthcare providers, nurses, consultants, service and platform providers, entrepreneurs and startups, pharmaceutical, device, pharmacy, NGO, government, and policy and regulators around the globe.

Open Access Statement

THMT is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or their institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. 

Submission Categories

Authors around the globe are invited to submit manuscripts in the following categories:

  • Original Research
  • Use Cases/Pilots/Methodologies
  • Production/Deployment/Scaled Use
  • Narrative/Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analysis
  • Technical Briefs and Reports
  • Market Research Report
  • Editorial or Discussion

For further details and descriptions, please visit Information for Authors & Editorial Policies here. Upload manuscripts on the portal at

Article Topics

Manuscripts of interest will present local and global telehealth and digital health outcomes and across the care continuum in the following areas:

New Business Models: provider strategies, incentive models, future society transformation, platform technology, financial impact to health systems and patient cost, scalability, sustainability, workflow and business processes, business continuity, utilization and downstream care, emergency visits and hospitalizations, workforce and crisis models, quadruple aim, low-income community strategies for success

Technology: artificial intelligence enabled disease detection, screening, treatment outcome prediction and response, intelligent exam protocol, diagnosis efficiency improvement, workflow enhancement using AI, clinical integration and care management, chatbots, robotics, voice interface tech, machine learning, interoperability, network architectures, wireless and mobile service platforms

Use Cases: key learnings from successful and unsuccessful experiences, rural care access, reducing administrative burden for frontline healthcare workers,, remote patient monitoring for chronic conditions, communication and counseling, disaster and emergency medicine, military medicine remote care, failed and negative experiences

Legal and Regulatory: reimbursement, health policy, patient privacy, information governance & data protection, standards and methods for data curation, distribution, sharing, and management in AI medicine, discovery frameworks, roadmaps, claim adjudication,  socio-political issues, cultural and ethical implications of advances in technology, healthcare consumer protection

Health IT: electronic health records (EHR), health information exchange (HIE), interoperability, medical devices, internet of things, wearables, sensors, medically smart homes, mobile health, personalized medicine, data management, wellness and prevention, elder care, gamification and simulations

Homecare:  RPM for chronic conditions, senior and home care intervention, surgical recovery strategies & outcomes , health tech solutions driving care equity for persons with disabilities, patient portals and personal health apps, UX design, retention strategies, patient and provider relationships, frameworks 

Specialty Medicine: population health, specialist care, nursing and innovation in digital health

User Experience: market and user segmentation, market research, consumerization of healthcare, behavioral considerations, user centered design, adoption drivers and barriers, culturally appropriate services, patient and provider relationships, provider-to- provider experiences, trends and innovations

Education: training tools & tips, fundamentals, distance learning, innovation management, managing digital transformation, future workforce, medical education

Upload manuscripts on the portal here.

Publishing Frequency

In 2024,  to satisfy the WoS Clarivate request to show more published content, THMT published six (6) issues. At the annual 2024 board meeting, the editorial board voted to go back to four (4) quarterly issues per year in 2025 onward: March, June, September, and December.

Respective deadlines will be the first of the month prior. For example, the deadline for the March issue is Feb 1, and so on.

THMT may add additional special or theme collection(s) that include THMT journal ConV2X meeting proceedings, and/or meeting proceedings that are contracted. This may increase the number of total issues. These issues may provide authors around the globe with unique opportunities to share work and may include visual presentations, video, audio, or a combination thereof. Journal policies and ethics will be adhered to throughout. Each issue number will reflect the numerical sequence in which it is published.

2024 Article Statistics

  • Days to First Editorial Decision:  4
  • Desk Reject Rate:   27%
  • Acceptance Rate:  34%
  • Days to Accept:  69
    • Note, WoS Clarivate flagged THMT 2023/24 days to accept as short. It has come to our attention a legacy publisher has an even shorter number of days to accept - 27 days.
  • Average days to publication:  75

Governing Body - Contact 

THMT editorial leadership is comprised of world-renowned experts bringing depth, breadth of knowledge, and curiosity to the journal. For a complete list of members and financial disclosures, please click this  link.

Editorial Leadership

  • Amar Gupta, PhDInstitute of Medical Engineering and Science (IMES), MIT, USA

Journal Staff 

John Russo Jr., PharmD, Managing Editor, Telehealth and Medicine Today, USA

The Managing Editor conducts plagiarism checks, desk rejections due to format or language, ensures editorial and research writing standards, timely ethical peer review, scholarly guidelines and practices are adhered as ascribed by ICMJE, COPE and WAME. Editors-in-Chief and Associate Editors-in-Chief assess manuscripts for submission quality, peer review routiing, quality, technical, health innovation, education and market merits, while all editorial board members and reviewers may assess and provide rigorous double blind peer review and constructive feedback for authors. All members abide by publishing ethics guidelines ascribed by COPE to ensure the highest standards are adhered to.

APC Fees and Publishing Model 

There is a fee to publish an article in the journal.

THMT’s Article Processing Charge (APC) for the international specialty journal is $650.00 USD for all articles up to 12,000 words including references. It is $450.00 USD for students currently enrolled at an academic institution (university rate). There is no APC for failed, negative, or null research, editorials,  or blog submissions if accepted. Please plan accordingly.

The APC must be paid in full before the article is published, and will be invoiced at manuscript acceptance. The corresponding author will receive the invoice unless the publisher receives other instruction. The fee is determined by the lead author. For example, if the lead author is a PhD student, the university rate will apply.

If any changes are required or requested post final galley approval by the author(s) such as update versions, post publication discussion and correction (Errata and Retractions), changes to affiliation, graphs, images etc., a flat fee of $350.00 USD will be invoiced in addition to the APC. The fee will be imposed each time an author(s) makes chages after approving a final galley to post as the version of record.

To avoid author APC fees, THMT encourages libraries and organizations around the globe to execute turnkey Publisher Agreement with the journal. Contact the publisher, Tory Cenaj, at, for special pricing and details.

Payment Methods

THMT is pleased to extend the following invoice options:

  • Credit or Debit card secure payment can be made online  once a submiission is accepted. Receipts are automatically emailed once payments have cleared.
  • Invoices may be requested should your institution require
  • PayPal payments can be made
  • Bank Wire Transfer: Details are included on invoices

No added fees, taxes, or VAT are included in invoices. 

Refund policy

There are no refunds. Authors cannot withdraw a manuscript after it is accepted, and will be invoiced accordingly. Time and resources are dedicated to routing a manuscript through peer review. If accepted, THMT will publish the work. There are unscrupulous efforts underfoot where papers are submitted, routed, accepted, and withdrawn to experience the benefit of THMT high quality peer review. The publisher has identified several low cost editing services to use should an author need assistance with a manuscript. We are here to assist and create a supportive learning environment. See Language Editing here for details.

APCs will not be refunded if an article is retracted as a result of author error or misconduct.

What does the article-processing charge (APC) cover?
Costs are involved in every stage of the publication process, including software, platform hosting, copyediting, production, proofs, graphics, archiving on dedicated servers, time stamping article provenance on the distributed ledger and providing custom dashboards to authors, membership to appropriate scholarly publishing organizations such as STM, COPE, Altmetric, ScienceOpen and many others, management of database and lists, social media dissemination and writing, market research and journal amplification, coding for journal plugins and new features, and compensation for work performed and commissioned (this does not include peer review or board members).

Waiver policy

THMT has a waiver policy for authors from lower-middle income countries as per the World Bank (click here for details). We give fair consideration to all submissions, and believe this should not be linked to the ability to pay. Where limited funding is available to authors, THMT will consider a complete or partial waiver to authors. Papers are reviewed based strictly on MERIT.  Authors must submit a request for a waiver in their manuscript cover letter.

Archiving and Scholarly Practices

THMT uses LOCKSS preservation, Portico, CrossRef, CrossMark and the PKP|PS Indexing service. 


THMT is indexed in:

  • Google Scholar
  • EBSCOhost Health Business Elite
  • ScienceOpen
  • Unpaywall
  • Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research (GFMER)
  • ProQuest Health & Medical Complete
  • ProQuest Public Health
  • ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Program
  • Public Knowledge Project metadata harvester
  • *Under review at WoS 

THMT does not have an impact factor yet. Industry trends indicate the JIF may not be the leading indicator for journal selection and articles will and are being amplified on their own merits. This is why THMT is highly active across social media and provides authors with engagement measurements other that the JIF. We believe authors seek fair and bibliodiverse environments where their work is disseminated and amplified across relevant scientific, public and not-for-profit ecosystems and audiences around the globe.

Memberships and Affiliations

Revenue Sources

THMT revenue consists of the journal APC, advertising support for the journal, reprints, article publication fees, special editions, supplements, summits, advisory, roundtable proceedings, and custom projects.  The journal hosts the annual Converge2Xcelerate (ConV2X) conference. Under no circumstance does commercial support impact the editorial decisions for journal manuscript review or acceptance.

THMT encourages libraries, organizations, and institutions around the globe to execute simple Publish and Read Agreements with the journal. Contact the publisher, Tory Cenaj, at

Conference Proceedings Oversight

The current policy as of 2023/2024 is that there are no “guest” editors for special issues, theme issues, or conference proceedings. THMT EICs approve “lead” editors and proposals for special issues. Any suggested editors must be on boarded as a bonafied journal editor, and execute formal journal agreements for both editorial role and financial conflict of interest. They are on boarded as editors/reviewers of THMT and provided additional materials for reviewer training  prior to participation. No honoraria is offered. In addition to posted lead editors, THMT will ask 2—3 additional reviewers to review submissions.

Names of lead editors, institutional affiliations are provided in the Call for Papers for special issue and conferences (click here and here for examples

The following protocols and workflows are adhered to specifically for conference proceedings:

  • The society review committee must include a Telehealth and Medicine Today editorial board member on the review committee. 
  • Society review committee members review, discuss and record reviews for abstract or paper and invite authors to submit appropriate ubmissions to the journal.
  • Telehealth and Medicine Today (THMT) will invite 2-3 editorial board members to review submissions in addition to the society review committee.
  • Approved THMT peer reviewed manuscripts are prepared for publication.

Copyright and License Notice

Authors contributing to THMT agree to publish their articles under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License that allows reuse, subject only to the use being non-commercial, and to the article being fully attributed. Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights, with first publication rights granted to Telehealth and Medicine Today (THMT). THMT makes all open access articles freely available from the date of publication.

Diversity Commitment

Partners in Digital Health (PDH) is committed to supporting diversity, inclusion and egalitarianism in scholarly publishing. This belief is reflected in our internal journal practices, editorial and peer review boards, published content, journal and community outreach, and ambassador chapters to demonstrate these values to communities far and wide, and tear down barriers and borders relating to knowledge, economics, age, race, gender, sexual orientation, geography, and political views. The journal maintains an objective, unbiased, and fair balanced posture at all times. 

Priorities and actions include:

  • Manuscript submission and Authorship 
  • Peer review
  • Editorial and Advisory Board Members
  • ConV2X Conference and Pitch Competition
  • Fees and Business Model
  • Ambassador Chapters

We encourage all global citizens from all countries to learn, share, and participate as equals.  As of Decembeer 2024, the editorial board is comprised of:

  • 28% Female
  • 71% Male
  • 61% are from the United States 
  • 38% are located outside the United States
  • 61% non-White

2023 Author Statistics are as follows:

  • 38% Female
  • 62% Male
  • 50% located outside the United States
  • 64% non-White

Journal History

THMT was first launched on a WordPress platform in 2016. In July 2018, the journal was relaunched on the OJS Platform to conform to guidelines and requirements for traditional peer reviewed scholarly journals. As a startup and market disruptor with limited funding, the publisher came to realize the best way to impact the ecosystem was to engender trust and acceptance for both journal mission and the emerging telehealth niche through traditional methods. Early WordPress articles are not necessarily formatted as traditional research manuscripts or feature abstracts. All WordPress articles were transferred to the OJS platform and given DOI numbers. PDF formats are available, All authors, whether pre- or post-OJS journal launch, own copyrights under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


 It is the responsibility of the journal owner and publisher to appoint and dismiss editors.

The journal is published by Partners in Digital Health (PDH), a forward reaching communications company publishing the peer reviewed journals Blockchain in Healthcare Today and Telehealth and Medicine Today, producer of the companion ConVerge2Xcelerate (#ConV2X) conference series, and Innovation Ignition Pitch Competition. The portfolio converges leading academics, pragmatic innovators, and practitioners around the globe to accelerate healthcare transformation and consensus building for evolving research fields, to heighten trust, transparency, and truth across its audience.

Management and Ownership

Partners in Digital Health (PDH), was founded in 2015 and is privately owned and independently operated by Tory Cenaj. Please see correspondence details below to contact the owner for inquiries.

Partners in Digital Health
50 Glenbrook Road, Suite 4J
Stamford, CT 06902, USA
Attention: Tory Cenaj, Owner and Publisher

Those with an interest in submitting a manuscript or obtaining further information are encouraged to do so. Send inquiries to the Managing Editor, John Russo, PharmD, at or the Owner and Publisher, Tory Cenaj, at

PDH acknowledges medical publishing contributes to carbon emissions which is a threat to planetary health. Stakeholders should work together for a zero emission goal.