Rebel Patients and Caregivers Podcast

Part 1


  • Susannah Fox Author, Rebel Health
  • Sarah Bell, RN, MSN, MHA Vice President, Product and Clinical Evaluation, Biofourmis
  • Matthew Sakumoto, MD, CMIO Sutter West Bay Region, and Assistant Clinical Professor, UCSF



Rebel Health, navigating health systems, chronic condition management, healthcare journey, patient led healthcare, Dr. Google, Susannah Fox, Author


Patients are creating solutions and setting new standards for what’s possible in health and outcomes. Speakers discuss perspectives and viewpoints in patient care that help both clinicians, patients, survivors, and caregivers learn valuable new skills, and how to deploy them to work together, and take power back. 

Discussion Topics

  • Providing guidance for those suffering from new diagnosis or chronic conditions on how to leverage patient-led groups to find answers and change their course of care
  • Clinician experiences with patient-led groups and patient-led healthcare
  • Learn about the four patient archetypes – Seeker, Networker, Solver, and Champion
  • Advice for patients, caregivers, and survivors who want to learn how to navigate roadblocks and the lack of information in their healthcare journey
  • Advice for how “Seekers” can get started
  • Clinicians advice on facing unknowns to patients and how to navigate the healthcare system
  • Concerns about potential misinformation in patient and caregiver-led groups
  • Data on patients self-regulating and accuracy of reports
  • Turning to online sources such as “Dr. Google” or patient-led groups for information

Where will this revolution take us in the next 5-10 years? Begin the learning journey in Part 1 of this series.


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Patients are creating solutions and setting new standards for what’s possible in health and outcomes. Speakers discuss perspectives and viewpoints in patient care that help both clinicians, patients, survivors, and caregivers learn valuable new skills, and how to deploy them to work together, and take power back.



How to Cite

Fox, S. ., Bell, RN, MSN, MHA, S., & Sakumoto, MD, CMIO, M. . (2024). Rebel Patients and Caregivers Podcast : Part 1. Telehealth and Medicine Today, 9(1).

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