Efficiency & Outcomes of Direct Access to Physical Therapy for Musculoskeletal Disorders vs Physician-First Access in the US

Panel Session


  • Aideen Turner, PT, Cert. MDT, CEAS, CEO, Virtual Physical Therapists
  • Ron Donelson, MD, MS, American Physical Therapy Association
  • Alice Bell, PT, DPT, Board Certified Specialist in Geriatrics, Senior Payment, Specialist, APTA
  • Heidi Ojha, Founder, Aware Health and Associate Professor, Temple University




ConV2X, telehealth and medicine, treating musculoskeletal disorders with telehealth, physical therapy alternatives for musculoskeletal disorders, low cost PT with telehealth, high impact physical therapy with telehealth, treating disability with telehealth


Musculoskeletal disorders effect one in every two Americans costing $213 billion a year.  They are also the #1 cause of disability worldwide.  With advancements in medicine and technology, the cost and disability rates of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) continues to escalate.

Speakers will discuss innovative ways to reduce the musculoskeletal epidemic through proven results and published research on the cost effectiveness of physical therapy (PT) and virtual care from employer, employee and overall impact on the healthcare market.

Discussion topics

  • Outcomes of specialty trained PTs in MDT vs traditional community care?
  • What is PT Direct Access and what the APTA’s stance is on both DA and telePT?
  • What does published research tell us about the cost effectiveness of PT Direct Access?
  • Misdiagnosis and training vs MDs?
  • What’s the primary dilemma of the traditional model of care for MSDS?
  • How has teleheath impacted traditional care for MSDS?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of telerehab?
  • What are the main obstacles and misperceptions to Direct Access?
  • Since COVID 19, what are the obstacles to telerehab?
  • What are the outcomes for WorkComp, Self-Pay and Group Health?


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How to Cite

Turner, PT, Cert. MDT, CEAS, CEO, Virtual Physical Therapists, A. ., Donelson, MD, MS, American Physical Therapy Association , R. ., Bell, PT, DPT, Board Certified Specialist in Geriatrics, Senior Payment, Specialist, APTA , A. ., & Ojha, Founder, Aware Health and Associate Professor, Temple University , H. . (2022). Efficiency & Outcomes of Direct Access to Physical Therapy for Musculoskeletal Disorders vs Physician-First Access in the US: Panel Session. Telehealth and Medicine Today, 7(4). https://doi.org/10.30953/tmt.v7.349