Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Telehealth and Medicine Today

					View Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Telehealth and Medicine Today

Telehealth and Medicine Today (TMT) is the gold open access international peer reviewed journal examining the value of telehealth and clinical automation, use and scalable developments, business process guidance, market research and the economic and social impact of digital health innovations in the health and technology field. Original research and reveiws are invited from multidisciplinary collaboratives, academic researchers, health systems, technology leaders, frontline providers, nurses and allied health professionals, innovators, health policy, and social impact disciplines. Authors are encouraged to submit high quality novel research, failed experiments, and outcomes for cost efficiencies realized delivering virtual care in a value based system. A world-class review board includes constructive commentary through rigorous peer review to strengthen work. The journal is published quarterly.  

Published: 2023-02-09

Opinions, Perspectives, Commentary

Original Clinical Research

Review Articles

Narrative/Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analysis